Friday, September 17, 2021

Youtube Kids, how to add a video or how to not add a video

YouTube Kids was created by YouTube itself to provide safe and kid-friendly content for children aged 4 to 12. YouTube collects all the videos that might be useful for young viewers and brings them to the app. YouTube Kids contains only those types of videos and ads that will be of interest to kids and their parents, and also will not harm the mental and physical health of the child. How to Get Videos on YouTube Kids? YouTube Kids was created to ensure that kid-friendly content is in demand not only by viewers but also by advertisers. Brands care about their name and reputation, so they don't want to collaborate with creators whose content might harm children. The types of videos that will be monetized in the application must be one hundred percent safe for viewers and useful to them. Therefore, the app has very strict moderation rules, channels are added there gradually. Today there is one primary answer to the question of how to get your videos on YouTube Kids. Authors should create safe content that meets YouTube requirements. Algorithms identify content as relevant and automatically add it to the app. If your content is uploaded to YouTube Kids, it means that the platform confirms that your content is safe and useful for kids. Step 1. Be Aware of YouTube Guidelines Step 2. You Must Correctly Optimize Your Video Presence Step 3. Wait, or Find a Better Solution
Step 4. Content Moderation most very important. But without outside help unlikely to join youtube kids.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

How I started 18/6 Autophagy and What is the Results

After my delivery, I was so busy with adopting a life with a baby. I didn't have any time or energy to make any workout. I didn't want to do anything, to be honest. while she was growing I got lazy and, lazier in time. In time I realised I lost control of my body. I was doing when my stomach asked me to do. I was managing my body with my stomach's decisions. it was just crazy. My other problem is that when I try to eat less, it never worked for me. Generally, I dont eat sweet things, I dont use sugar, I dont eat chocolate or ice cream, I dont hate them I just dont crave them to eat. I dont eat junk food. no burger menu, no KFC Etc. I prefer to cook a home meal. if I dont cook, I eat easy salad and chicken or a little sandwich. But somehow, if I dont make heavy workouts I gain weight. I dont have a Thyroid problem and Diabetic problem as well. And daily 2=3 hours workout or walking is making me tired after 5=6 months later. this is the reason I have become very lazy. I got tired of eating, preparing food. I dont want to think about which food I should eat today. it's like the whole day we are obsessed with food. For that reason I wanted to try *Autophagy -!6/8 or *18/6 fasting. Now almost I will complete 1 month. I'm very very happy with the results. First, I know my body has enough time to recycle/breakdown damaged cells and use them as a fuel 2- I gained control of my body again. I'm telling my stomach what to eat when to eat. 3-i haven't lost a crazy amount of weight but my body size shrank. 4- I lost a total of 3 kg around. 5= I started with 16/8 now I do sometimes 18/6 even 20/4. if I can manage it. I'm planning to do only 1-time eating. and I think it will be better. I have to be honest I'm afraid of that. 6- I began to crave again, I miss some specific foods. I appreciated what I'm having for my lunch. 7- I began to eat less and less. the small amount of food is enough. 8- I dont eat anymore, because just I got bored and standing in front of the fridge and choose. 9- I sleep better. 10- it seems like effecting my hair in a positive way. I will add extra changes in the future to this article.
*Autophagy Yoshinori Ohsumi Japanese cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 for his research on how cells recycle and renew their content, a process called autophagy. Autophagy is the natural, conserved degradation of the cell that removes unnecessary or dysfunctional components through a lysosome-dependent regulated mechanism. It allows the orderly degradation and recycling of cellular components. "Auto" means self and "phagy" means eat. So the literal meaning of autophagy is "self-eating *18/6 fasting: Intermittent fasting is an eating plan that switches between fasting and eating on a regular schedule. Research shows that intermittent fasting is a way to manage your weight and prevent — or even reverse — some forms of the disease.

I dont Like Buffets

For a while, I'm having a problem with lots of food options. Make me dizzy and confused and not happy. I was never satisfied after eating from the buffet. It's like a 'food stimulation" and it's not healthy. I dont know what to eat, I end up like other people, nonsense combinations of food on a plate. It makes me feel guilty, make me unhappy. half of the world is in hunger and we fill the tables with million kinds of food. I dont like to choose as well, I'm okay with 1 type of meal, a little salad and bread. I think we should change our mindset. we need to go with more basic, less and with healthy eating options.

New Baby/Toddler Animation Channel

Veka Baby, the little Sharktoon Entertainment Project for babies and toddlers. The whole purpose is to protect them from junk foods addiction like Cake, Ice cream, Candy, Pizza, doughnuts, Lollypops, Cookies. I have a baby and I realised how these animations can affect her badly. From a very early age, she learned all that poisonous foods from the animations. We dont eat that kind of thing, we dont buy them ever and she still knows what it is. This channel is perfectly safe for toddlers, in the cartoons, no junk food, sugar, doughnuts, pizza, cake, cookies, ice cream promoting. baby safe, toddler safe. They dont have crazy lights and sounds coming and going. it's plane and calming animations. these are some of the sample videos, you may see how Veka Baby Videos are calm and educational.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

When we born As Female

I didn't notice I was a female or gender differences when I was a little. I was not thinking about it. "what is my gender", it's a big word for a child. I saw all of us as "kids". we were children. That much easy and basic. when I reach to age that understands the difference of " gender", I didn't know many things. 

we born with millions of egg reserves (sometimes this number is very low when we pass 25 they begin to lose quality. Every month and year quantity getting low and low and low, it's like a ticking clock in our body. I wish there is an egg quantity calculating watch on our arm and we can decide what to do with it. What we heard and read from the media is that " we can still have a baby with Ivf treatment".

My advice to you is that go and freeze your eggs.

if you are working, if you couldn't get married, if you dont want a child now, but in the future, you need to freeze your eggs. 

To have a child is not guaranteed, it is not like you will get pregnant when you get married. Women all organs are getting old, egg production quality getting low, sometimes eggs inside are empty.


That's not true. To Carry a life in the uterus is just magic, So sacred. 

Hear their first heartbeat, to be responsible for them and raise an amazing human being.

PS: To egg freeze, India and Cyprus are good choice, their prices affordble.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

earthlings:'da hayvan satışının devam etmesi

earthlings:'da hayvan satışının devam etmesi:'da şikayet ederek kaldırttığımız bir ilandan.  yayına girmeden önce site çalışanlarının onayına sunulmasına rağmen, h...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Sevda '' Kristal '' İle Su Gibi Söylüyor

Sevda, eğitimi için ara verdiği yorumculuğuna kaldığı yerden devam ediyor.Uzun yıllar pek çok ünlü isimle beraber çalıştıktan sonra 2000 yılında Nilüfer'in yapımcısı olduğu ilk albümü '' Sevdalım'' ile profesyonel müzik yaşantısına başladı .Bu albüm ile büyük ses getiren Sevda; Başımın Belası Gönlüm,Yaralama Yar,Olmasa Mektubun,Gönlüm Heba gibi şarkıları ile Türkiye de önemli derecede bir başarı yakalar.
Sevdalım albümünü dinlemek için :
 Sevda yaralama Yar video izlemek için :

Sevda Başımın Belası video izlemek için (2000) :

Bu albümde kendine ait beste ve sözler ağırlıklı olarak yer almaktadır.Albüm sonrası Eğitim için yine ABD ye giden Sevda burada ki eğitiminin bitmesi ile tekrar Türkiye'ye döner.Yeni albümü Erol Köse nin ellerindedir artık.Müthiş yapımcı Sevda için kendi gibi müthiş bir dönüş albümü hazırlar.Sevda '' Annem Gibi'' ve '' İçime İşlerken'' şarkıları ile  milyonların kalbine taht kurar.Sadece iki klip çekilen bu albüm Doktorlar dizisinin jenerik müziği olarak ta kullanılınca ''Annem Gibi ''şarkısı 10 milyonun üzerinde dinleyiciye ulaşır.
Hislerimin Talebesiyim albümü için:
Annem Gibi Video izlemek için :
 İçime İŞlerken Video izlemek için :

Bu albümden önce Kutsi ile '' İlan-ı Aşk'' ediyorum isimli şarkıda düet yapar .Bu şarkıda yine milyonlarca kişi tarafından ezberlenir.
Sevda -Kutsi düet dinlemek için :
Kutsi - İlan-ı Aşk / Aynı Şehirde Nefes Almak Bile Bana Ye...
İlanı-a aşk video izlemek için:

Usta yorumcu Sevda, stüdyo vokalistliği yaptığı ve reklam jingel ları çok seslendirdiği için yorumculuğunda büyük anlamda yol katetmesine olanak sağlayıcı bir geçmişe sahiptir.Ünlü isimlerin (Sezen Aksu,Nilüfer,Nükhet Duru,Ajda Pekkan) sahne vokalistliğini de yapmış olan Sevda onlardan edindiği tecrübelerini de yine kendi yeteneğine ve yorumuna eklemeyi başarabilmiştir.Erol Köse ile şartlar sebebi ile yollarını ayırdıktan sonra yine eğitimine dönüş yapan Sevda okulunu onurla bitirdikten sonra  sevenlerine küçük bir merhaba demek için ''Kristal ''albümünü yapar.Bu defa prodüktör kendisi olur.Faruk Ka' nın bir bestesi ve ilk albümünden kendi bestesini farklı düzenlemeler ile kullanarak yeni  albümünü oluşturur.Kaan Gökman,Serkan Balkan,Koray Aykılıç,Meriç Demir,Erol Temizel,Andreas Brückl ,Erdinç Şenyaylar,Büşra ünlü,İsmail Soyberk,Özcan Şenyaylar,Faruk Ka ,Apostolos Kubaros ve pek çok önemli müzisyen,styling danışmanı,söz yazarı,modacı   bu albümde önemli rol oynar.Yeni Klibi için hazırlıklara başlayan Sevda '' bu daha başlangıç,söylemeye devam '' diyor.
Bu albümde farklı olarak Sevda sözlerini Apostolos Kubaros' un yazdığı kendine ait bestesini Yunanca olarak söyler.''Yüzlerce yıl diz dize yaşadığımız, yemeklerimizi paylaştığımız,şarkılarına hayran olduğum Yunanlı komşularımıza kendimce bir selam vermek istedim .Ortak geçmiş kültürümüz içinde  bir arada yaşadığımız Yunanlı komşularımıza Selam olsun! Tarih ve olaylar bizi ayırdığı gibi yine bir araya getirecektir.Etle tırnak gibiyiz istesek te ayrılamayız ''
Sevda Türkçe pop müzikte hissedilen iyi ses ve yorumcu eksikliğini nispeten onaracak gibi görünüyor.Pop müzikte kanayan bir yara haline gelen bu bozulma Sevda ve Sevda gibi iyi seslerin müzik yapması ile eski kalitesine ulaşacaktır.Türkiye'de ki iyi yorumcular arasında çok önemli bir yere sahip olan Sevda, yeni çalışması '' Kristal '' ile müzik kültürümüzün gelişimine de destek olmaktadır.
Sevda: Teknoloji ve iletişimin hayatlarımıza yerleşmesi üzerine kaybettiğimiz masumiyet ve saflığı hatırlamak lazım.2000'lerin ilk yıllarının sıcaklığını anımsayın kendinizi müziğe bırakın''

Sevda'nın Kristal albümünü dinlemek için bu linke gidiniz :

Sevda 'nın Kristal albümünden ilk klibini izlemek için bu linke gidiniz:


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